The author investigated the prevalence rate and some related clinical aspects of the major mental disorders (schizophrenia, manic-depressive illness, epilepsy, general paresis, mental retardation, and others) by the census visit method from Jul. 1st, 1979 to Jul. 30th, 1979 in Su-Ryun Myun, Sung-Ju Gun, Gyung-Buk, Korea. The results were as follows. The prevalence rate was 0.29% for schizophrenia, 0.01% for manic-depressive illness, 0.09% for epilepsy, 0.13% for mental retardation, 0. 02% for others, and 0.54% for all major mental disorders. The age of onset of each disorder was largely coincident with the known range of susceptibility. The corrected prevalence obtained from Weinberg abridged method was 0. 58% (the range of age of susceptibility 16-40) for schizophrenia, 0.03% (the range of age of susceptibility 21-50) for manic-depressive illness, and 0.13% (the range of age of susceptibility 5-30) for peilepsy. The morbid duration of the mental disorders was more than 5 years in 78.1% of all cases. The family history of the mental disorders was revealed in 27.7% of all cases. Premorbid personality deviation was noticed in 38.3% of all cases. Among all cases, 72. Z% did not receive any treatment, and only one epileptic was treated at a general practitioners’ clinic. Among all cases, 10.6% depended bn drugs without doctor’s prescription, and 14.9% on premodern methods such as superstitious, shamanistic and religious methods, and folk therapy or on the oriental medicine like acupuncture and herb drugs.
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