The earliest memory has been studied by many psychiatrists and psychologists in terms of understanding individual psychodynamism. To compare the earliest memories of two different diagnostic groups of schizophrenia and neurosis, the authors studied the reports of the memories of 245 schizophrenics and 213 neurotics who were either outpatients or inpatients of Daegu Dongsan Presbyterian Hospital, neuropsychiatric department from March, 1980 to August, 1980. In order to investigate the differences between both sexes, each group was divided into male and female subgroups. The results could be summarized as follows; 1. Events of the earliest memory took place most frequently in the oedipal period of 3 to 4 years of age. The memories of the preoedipal events were more frequent in the schizophrenic group compared to the neurotic group. 2. Affect associated with the memory was more frequently unpleasant J n both groups, but pleasant affect was more frequently reported in the neurotic group as compared to the schizophrenic group. 3. The earliest memory of being alone was more frequent in the schizophrenic group, and among the neurotic group, it was more frequent in the male than the female group. The earliest memory of being with two to four persons was more frequent in the neurotic group. The persons in the memories were more frequently identified in the neurotic group. 4. The most frequent theme of the memories was dependency, occupying more than half in both groups. Aggression was also a frequent theme. There was no statistical difference between two groups. However, schizophrenics had more regressive themes in earlier ages, while neurotics had less regressive themes in later years. 5. Among the male neurotics, the denpendency theme was more frequent in the earlier ages, while in the female neurotics, it was more frequent in the later ages. Among the schithezopqrenics the aggression theme was more frequent in the male group
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