The authors have studied 133 neuropsychiatric inpatients in National Medical Center with the chief complaints of headache from July 25, 1976 to Mar. 25, 1980. Those who had organic basis for his headache were 39 cases and remaining 94 cases had functional or psychogenic basis. The results were as follows 1. In the diagnostic prodontion, Cerebrovascular disorder(28.2%), infection of CNS(20. 5%), and convulsive disorder (12.8%) were leading causes among the organic cases, and schizophrenia( 17.0%), depression(16.0%), histerical neurosis( 16.0%) were majority among the functional cases. 2. In the sex difference, the female was 2.5 times more prevalent then the maleamong thefunctional cases. Between theage of 20 and 29, 31.6% persent of the total cases were occupied. Elderly patients were sign ifican tly prevalentin the organic cases. 3. The average duration of headache being suffered before the admission were 87 days in the overall cases, 25 clays in the organic cases, and 110 days in the functional cases. 4. The total period of the hospitalization was 22days in the overall cases, 11 days in theorganic cases, 27 days in the functional cases. 5. The common associated symptoms were lose of consciousness, paralysis or paresthesia, speech disturbace et al. in the organic cases, where as paresthesia or paralysis, insomnia, irrita bility et al. were prom inant in the functional cases. 6. The patterns of headache and their verbal representations were variabble and ambigous. 7. The premorbid personality of the psychogenic patients were histrionic, depressive, paranoid, or schizoid etc. 8. The precipitatieg factors in the psychogenic cases were marrital conflicts, family troubles, or finan cial problems in order. 9. Nearly 80 percents of the overall cases favorable responsive toward the neuropsychiatric treatments, but the cases having received long-term followup treatments for more than 1 years were 48.3 percents
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조사대상 및 방법
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