최근 검색어 전체 삭제
커버이미지 없음
KCI등재 학술저널

勤勞青少年의 自殺性向의 産業災害와의 相關分析


The present study was intended to cla rify the relationship between suicidal trends and their industrial accidents among adolescent workers and to reveal descriptive analysis of the incidence of suicidal impulsiveness, self-injury, and suicidal attempt. In order to achieve these goals, samplings were made by disproportional probability sampling procedure, and questionnaries were finally supplied to 633 working adolescents including 305- workers with accidents and 328 workers without, accidents, coming from 59 companies located in Seoul, Kyung-Ki Do and Kyung Sang Buk Do. These collected d ata were computerized at KIST ,, using SPSS program and statistically analysed by Chi-square method. The Results of the study are as follows. First, Korean adolescent workers showed to. have the experiences of suicidal impulsivenessin 39.0% (non-accident group 40.2% ; accident group, 37.7%)t of self-injury in 17.2% (nonaccident group 13.1%) accident group, 23.0%), and of suicidal attempt in 17.196 (non-accident group,. 13.4% ; accident group, 21.0%). Second, Male adolescent workers outnumbered the female ones in the proportions of all the variables such as suicidal impulsiveness (1.3 times), self-injury (1.8 times), and suicidal attem pt (1.3 times). This tendencies were also showed both in the accident group (male and female ratio of suicidal impulsiveness is 1.6:1, of self in ju ry 1.2:1, and of suicidal attempt 1.1:1) and in the non-accident group (suicidal impulsiveness 1.3:1, self-injury 2.7:1, and suicide attem pt 1.5:1). Third, According to the presence or absence of industrial accident, suicidal trends were significan tly higher proportions in the accident group comparing with the non-accident group. Fourth, Korean adolescent workers experienced higher suicidal attempts than the report made by Min ’s Korean students study or by Jacobziner’s American adolescent study. And this tendency was predominantly observed in male adolescent workers. Fifth , Industrial accidents among Korean adolescent workers showed significant correlation with suicidal trends such as suicidal impulsiveness, self-injury of suicidal attempt, and these were statistically significant relations, especially, in female adolescent workers.

서 론

연구 대상 및 방법

조사 결과

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참 고 문 헌
