최근 검색어 전체 삭제
커버이미지 없음
KCI등재 학술저널

精神分裂症 患者의 指紋 硏究


In the research on the heredity in schizophrenia, it is impossible to eliminate all the envirom ental factors. Fingerprints, form ed in the 3rd and 4th months of fetal development, remain unchanged throughout life: hence, a comparative exam ination of fing erprints can lead to the identification and the elimination of some enviromental factors. Fingerprints differ by race, sex, and right-or left-handedness, especially in the chromosomal aberrations (Down’s syndrome, Kleinefelter’s Syndrome and Turner’s Syndrome), mental retardation and congenital heart disease. Therefore they have been the subject of researches in various medical fields. There have been lots of researches on male schizophrenic fingerprints from 1930 to the present. However, the auther attempted in this study to know how are fingerprints in female schizophrenics and also to know th e differences between Korean schizophrenics and schizophrenics in western countries. The auther compared 140 male schizophrenics with 130 female schizophrenics and also with 100 male and 117 female normal subjects in their fingerprints. The results are as follows: 1) The frequency distribution of fingerprints, pattern intensity and pattern combinations of fingerprints, when compared with those of the control group, generally showed no significant correlations. 2) Comparison of Arch-shaped F ingerprints: In the male control group, arch-shaped fingerprints were evident in 11.1% of the cases as compared to a 22.6% rate in the male schizophrenic without family history of schizophrenia, hence a significant correlation. (p < 0 .05) Comparing with the female control group, the controls showed a 13.7% frequency, whereas the female schizophrenics without family history of schizophrenia showed significant correlations at 27.7%. (p < 0 .05) 3) Total Finger-Ridge Count: Comparing with the total finger ridge count in the male control group, there was an average of 149 as comparad to an average total finger ridge count of 129 in the fingerprints of male schizophrenics without family history of schizophrenia: hence a highly significant correlation. (p < 0 .001) The fingerprints of male schizophrenic patient with family history of schizophrenia averaged 131, which is a moderately significant correlation. (p < 0 .005) Comparing the total finger ridge count of the female control group (an average of 132) with those of the female patients without family history of schizophrenia (an average of 111), a highly significant correlation is apparent. (p < 0 .001) Female patients with family history of schizophrenia averaged 113, a moderately significant correlation. (p < 0 .005) 4) Ridge Dissociation: Ridge Dissociation in the male control group was 10%, as compared to a ridge dissociation rate of 23.6% in the male schizophrenic group, a moderately significant correlation. (p < 0 .005) The female schizophrenic group rate of 10%, which is apparently not a significant correlation rate.

서 론

조사 대상 및 방법

성 적

고 찰

결 론

