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현대음악 작품의 교재화 방안

  • 122

The recent music curricular for elementary and secondary schools were developed especially emphasizing the ideas of the conceptual approach and aesthetic music education. There is much interest in those approaches combined with the need to develop instructional guidelines and materials focused on diverse musical aspects including traditional Korean music idioms. However, still the lack of diverse resources materials appropriate for grade schools use is one of the significant problems. In school music teaching programs, generally the improvement of musical abilities are sought through limited time and resources. In the music classes, to improve musical abilities students sing, play instruments. improvise, compose, and listen to music in analysing and synthesizing. Especially the process of analysing and synthesizing in music listening heightens students` appreciation of musical pieces. In the listening classes, they mainly consider which pitches, durations, harmonies, and tone colors are present and how they are organized in certain modes or scales. The aesthetic experience of music, however, requires more than simply an objective recognition of its constituent parts and musical activities. They have to investigate the effects created by the elements and the ways in which they interact upon each other. For doing that they need the musical pieces with diverse musical aspects culturally and stylistically. In the world there are numerous musical works made between the old time and these days and in many different areas. Therefore, we need to select the most efflcint resource materials in a educational sense among those musical works. To put it briefly, the music classes should provide musical pieces suitable for diverse experiences to do in students` limited time as intensively as they can do. If we make a success of selecting musical works with diverse musical aspects in terms of cultures and styles, especially from contemporary music, the works will actively bridge the old and contemporary musics and traditional and new styles. On the other hand, if those musical works are provided for students in oder to grow their aural awareness in listening classes and in oder to use such diverse aspects for their composition, they will help the students achieve the improvement of musical abilities, as well as provide themselves with diverse musical experiences. Aural awareness for musical sounds can grow through various musical activities. Therefore, we have to try to select contemporary music with diverse musical aspects culturally and stylistically suitable for school music programs.
