최근 검색어 전체 삭제
커버이미지 없음

전래동요를 활용한 통합적 음악수업이 유아의 음악적 태도 변화에 미치는 영향

Influences of the Integrated Musical Education through Traditional Children s Song on the Development of Preschooler s Musical Attitude

  • 217

This study attempts to develop a program for kindergarten teachers to help approach traditional children`s songs, whether already popular or recently discovered, in diversified ways to introduce a more effective, yet easier way of teaching. As a main step, it searches for methods to expand preschooler`s musical abilities by providing changes in their musical attitudes with traditional children`s songs through an integrated music education program. This study can provide valuable opportunities for children in Korea to experience traditional music, which will help have better understandings and appreciation towards their own culture. In conclusion, the purpose of this study is to find out how preschooler`s musical attitude is developed and influenced through various learning activities that involve traditional children`s songs. 1. This study gathers Korean traditional children`s songs and selects songs appropriate for children`s education with thorough analysis. 2. With the selected songs, it provides a list of traditional children`s songs appropriate for educational procedures in kindergarten. 3. It develops a music education program for early childhood by using those selected traditional children`s songs. 4. It studies the influences of the developed program on children`s musical attitudes. After applying the program at a designated kindergarten several times and carefully evaluating the impact of the program, it was found that children`s musical attitudes noticeably improved while the program was used. Therefore, the integrated music program that utilizes traditional children`s songs should be developed and applied at kindergartens extensively.
