This study has a purpose to present the direction and the topic on the future music education in Korea by giving correct and systematic information to the researchers in music education through the analysis of research in JRME(Journal of Research in Music Education). JRME is a representative journal of the music education in the research field in the quantity as well as in quality of the various topics. In order to study the trends of recent research, the papers for the analysis are the studies from 1991 to 2000. The analysis is divided into three categories : research methodology, subjects, research area. The papers presented in JRME for the last decade are 272. For the methodology, the descriptive research takes up a half of the papers(49.6%) and the experimental research to 30.9%. The historical and the philosophical method are presented to 8.8% and 10.7% respectively. For the subjects, the elementary(24%) and the college level(23.7%) are the most important among the research group. The research says the secondary school is 18.2%, general group 13.2% and teachers group 10.5%. For the research area, teaching-learning is the most well studied and the next is psychology of music learning(26.1%). Teacher education and materials/tools areas are a little over 10%. The principle of the subject education which is the important research area of Korea in music education is merely 2.6%. Compared to the music education research in Korea, in JRME, the secondary, the college level, and the teachers group as well as the elementary level are studied evenly and the various subjects are dealt with the study, though the research for the subjects in elementary level and the general group is a large portion of music education research in Korea. The research area emphasizes on the psychology of the music learning in comparison with the concentration of the reaching-learning area in Korea. It is because the majority of research methodology is the descriptive and the experimental study. In Korea, it is necessary to put into practice this kind of the methodology to identify the effectiveness and the factors for music learning. I hope this study will inform the students who has difficulties in selecting the topics for their theses and the teachers who study the effective teaching-learning of the role of research sources.