최근 검색어 전체 삭제
커버이미지 없음

음악교사의 교수행동에 있어서 비언어적 교수방법 변인의 상호관련성 및 효과에 관한 연구

A Study on the Relationship and Effects of Non - verbal Teaching Behaviors of Music Teachers

  • 70

Throughout the history of music education many prominent music teachers and educators, including, Comenius, Pestalozzi, Dalcroze, Kodaly. Suzuki, Orff, and Kohut, emphasized the importance of non-verbal communication in music instruction. Nonetheless, majority of school music teachers still seem to rely heavily on verbal teaching methods. This study was designed to examine the relationship and effects of non-verbal or co-verbal teaching behaviors of music teachers as an effort to improve teacher effectiveness in music classes. The subjects of this study were 32 student teachers who were taking a music teaching method course of a university in Seoul. This study was conducted through three phases : Phase one : Nine categories of non-verbal music teaching behaviors were clarified (① non-explanatory·non-directional language, ② eye-contact, ③ modeling, ④ teacher-student interaction, ⑤ performance skills, ⑥ accompaniment stalls, ⑦ musical movement, ⑧ remedy, and ⑨ sense of humor); Phase two : In the period of one semester music classes taught by student-music teachers were videotaped Phase three : Videotaped music teacher behaviors (variables) were anlalyzed by a predetermined criteria form (A Measure of Non-verbal Music Teaching Behaviors: AMNMTB) Important findings were: There is a relatively high relationship among the variables of non-explanatory language, modeling, performance skills, remedial skills, teacher-student interaction, and eye contact. This result implies that a music teacher should acquire these non-verbal teaching skills for a successful/effective music teaching. There is a relatively low relationship of the variables of accompaniment skills, movement, and sense of humor with other variables. It implies that contrast to common senses, these teaching behaviors are not critical elements in a successful music teaching. The result of the comparison of high non-verbal sub group and the low non-verbal sub group indicates that the high non-verbal sub group got higher score in every variable except for the variable of humor. (a - .05)
