Although our youngsters learn music in schools, both traditional Korean music and Western music, as one of the subject matters in schools for at least ten years, almost all educated people don`t enjoy the art music in their lives. And they don`t show the positive attitudes toward their own musical culture and others`. It is the main reason that our students don`t have their musical materials based on sounds in their language characteristic. Now, we have to change the goals to achieve in music teaching and should include as the essential activities in music classes, in sense of that music should be recognized first as students own sounds strongly reflected their feelings, thoughts, intents, and their lives in their unique language characteristic. Music education should not be merely reproducing music created by other people, in according to teachers interpretation and suggestions. It should be musicing that the students create music in selecting and dealing with sounds according to their own feelings and intents, learning the way of musicing from composers and performers. In those learning processes, the students will have feelings and imagnation and will inquire the nature and quality of sounds and language characteristics. Music is humanly generated sounds that are good to listen to and that are so for themselves and not merely for the message they convey. Our students can generate sounds to be good to listen to also. Therefor, music educators have to provide continually opportunities for students to do it and should find the way to lead students to easily and clearly acquire the musical concepts and principles through active music mating in relation to the sounds system of their culture in which it is generally used in dally lives. For doing this, we have to make and provide students with musical materials based on sounds in their language characteristic.