The teaching of rhythmic skills has been regarded as one of the most important areas in music study, but there has been a lack of understanding on the pedagogical principles of rhythm learning and various teaching techniques. The purpose of this study is to suggest various teaching techniques which can be used effectively in promoting rhythmic sensitivity of children in general music classroom. This study reviewed the related literature concerning music teaching method to examine rhythm learning theories to provide the theoretical basis on developing instructional strategies for rhythm teaching. The rhythm learning theories reviewed in the study were Koda´ly music method, Eurhythmics of Jaque-Dalcroze, speech rhythms and body rhythms of Orff, and the movement theory for cultivating beat awareness proposed by Weikart. And also the study discussed and compared several rhythm syllable systems which were developed to facilitate rhythm reading process. The ryhthm syllable systems described in the study were as follows: (1) Koda´ly`s rhythm duration syllable; (2) Gordon`s rhyrhm syllable based on the actual aural / oral sound of the rhythm patterns which are perceived and audiated; (3) Orb`s word rhythm method; (4) action words system based on body movements; (5) the rhythm reading method based on the actual note names; (6) the system chanting rhythm by counting the number of beats and subdivisions of the beat such as 1 and 2 and (??) or 1 e and a (♬♬) ; and (7) the reading approach suggested by Bebeau, which incoporated several ryhthm reading techniques such as syllables, note names, and words. The logic of a rhythm learning sequence must be set by teachers with a thorough understanding of conceptual learning and of developmental levels of children. In this aspect, the study examined rhythm learning contents of several major music curriculum to identify a logical sequence for the introduction of rhythm elements. The instructional strategies offered in the study were classified into the following seven categories and described in detail with specific teaching ideas and learning activities: (1) the approach based on bodily movement; (2) the aural appraoch utilizing musical compositions to increase aural skills in discriminating rhythmic patterns through listening experiences; (3) the visual approach emptying the various visual materials to reinforce rhythmic understanding; (4) the creative approach to guide the students explore and express rhythmic elements in creative ways; (5) the teaching technique using poems or rhymes as teaching materials for applying and exploring rhythm elements in various manners; (6) the approach using short piano pieces as a music material for an activity to create and design rhythmic dances; and (7) the teaching staratgies introducing rhythm games to increase the interest of the students in the study of rhythm as well as to develop rhythmic response.