The information technology and post-modernistic views were widely spread over the globe at a very fast speed in the late 20th century. This new trend has forced the public schools to accommodate new educational tasks. Constructivism is one of the new trends which is changing in and out of today`s schools. Constructivism emphasizes contextual and student-centered learning. The purpose of this study was to develop an instruction model for the secondary school music based on constructivism. This study has been done through three phases: preliminary study - development of a prototype model - feedbacks from the experts - development of the final instruction model. The constructivist music instruction model comprises six main elements: (1) the socio-cultural experience of the learner; (2) curriculum; (3) authentic musical behaviors ; (4) constructivist instruction methods; (5) constructivist instructional principles, and (6) teaching-learning process. The socio-cultural experience of the learner is the most significant factor in that it is engaged in all other factors. Finally, a lesson plan form and an example of a lesson plan were developed to adopt the instruction model into the actual music lesson.