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초등학교 음악수업의 교수-학습 과정 개선을 위하여 미디키보드와 컴퓨터를 활용하는 교수 전략 연구 및 학습 프로그램 개발

The Development of the Learning Program and the Study of Teaching Strategies Utilizing MIDI Keyboard and Computer for Improvement of Teaching-Learning Processes in Elementary Music Classes

  • 249

본 연구는 초등학교 음악 수업의 교수-학습 활동 개선을 위하여 제 7차 교육과정에서 강조하는 ICT 교육개념에 부응하고 테크놀로지를 사용하는 교육이 보다 효율적으로 시도될 수 있도록 하는데 목적을 두고 음악 테크놀로지의 핵심 매체인 미디 키보드와 컴퓨터를 사용하여 음악적 개념 습득을 촉진시킬 수 있도록 총 30단원으로 구성된 학습 프로그램을 개발하였다. 각 단원마다 음악 소프트웨어를 활용하는 교수-학습 활동들이 여러개 제시되어 본 연구에는 200여가지 모듈형태의 지도 방안이 제공된다. 각 단원은 다음 요소들을 기본 틀로 삼아 내용이 제시된다: ①중심개념, ②세부 지도개념, ③학습목표, ④수업자료 및 ⑤활동영역에 따른 단위활동별 교수-학습 과정.

The purpose of the study is to develop the learning program and to illustrate various teaching strategies utilizing MIDI keyboard and computer to improve teaching-learning processes in elementary general music classes. The learning program devised by this study consists of 30 instructional units which are organized by the musical concepts. Each unit focuses on a specific musical concept and offers several learning activities appropriate for teaching the selected concept by using MIDI keyboard and/or various types of music software. Each instructional unit consists of five parts: (1) major musical concept, (2) detailed descriptions about the subconcepts related with the major concept, (3) a clear statement of objectives, (4) a list of necessary teaching materials, and (5) learning activities illustrating teaching strategies covering various areas of music study such as singing, playing, creating, reading/writing, and listening music. The learning activities do not describe a particular type of classroom setting, in order not to limit the adaptability of these activities to only certain levels and types of access to technology. And also each learning activity presented in each unit is devised as a separable lesson module appropriate for a portion of a class session and can be adaptable to numerous teaching conditions. The study reviewed the educational values of MIDI keyboard and Computer Assisted Instruction for music study. And also the study examined the considerable numbers of music software to identify and select the softwares effective for mastering the musical concepts. The softwares introduced in the study are categorized into the following five types: (1) sequencing, (2) MIDI-based notation, (3) auto accompaniment, (4) digital audio recording, and (5) courseware. The main focus of this study was given on the development of the teaching strategies illustrating how MIDI keyboard and computer can be effectively used in the music classroom to promote elementary school student`s conceptual understanding and musical creativity. The teaching strategies suggested in the study reflect a variety of teaching/learning styles and approaches as well as various pedagogical values utilizing the functions inherent in MIDI keyboard and Computer-Assited Instruction.
