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시각장애인을 위한 아카펠라 교육 프로그램 개발 연구

A Study on the Development of A-cappella Program for Individuals with Visual Impairments

  • 224

본 연구는 어떻게 시각장애인을 대상으로 효과적인 음악활동 및 음악지도가 가능할지 모색해보았다. 그리하여 `언어, 움직임 및 음악이 통합된 교육`에 원리를 둔 오르프 교수법을 바탕으로 장애인의 자율적인 표현과 상상력이 증진될 수 있도록 돕는 새로운 <아카펠라 교육 프로그램>을 개발하여 제시하는 것을 목표로 삼았다. 여기 제한된 지면(논문)을 통해서는 많은 연구 결과물 가운데 일부 사례를 소개하면서 교육 프로그램 개발을 위한 핵심 연구과정을 재고하려고 한다. 그로써 시각장애인은 물론 다른 장애인들과 같이 현대의 문화·예술적 혜택에서 소외된 이들에게 도움을 줄 수 있는 새로운 시도들이 계속 이어지기를 기대한다.

The present study was intended to develop a program in A-cappella vocal education as part of cultural arts programs for the visually challenged. Based on the outstanding hearing ability of visually challenged people, the program was to develop their musical sensitivity and offer them opportunities for musical activities so as to enjoy sounds on their own in the long run. In particular, A-cappella which is sung without any musical instruments, helps not only improve an individual`s musical talent, but also contribute to the community (society) by leading people to learn how to live in harmony with each other and care for one another. Furthermore, the aforementioned A-cappella vocal education is expected to produce more effective educational results, being closely connected to the Orff teaching method whose basic principles are from the integrated education of language, movement and music. As today`s music education should go beyond simple voice training and vocal education and embrace holistic education that encompasses physical activity, language learning and related mental education, it is essential to be equipped with features of an integrated education. Especially for the visually challenged that have few opportunities for movements, this kind of integrated experience is highly required. Therefore, as part of preparatory activities, every researcher taking part in the present study received training in the Orff teaching method while being advised by experts in special education in order to raise his understanding of the visually challenged, and hence they tried to develop a more suitable educational program for them within a limited time frame. When professional A-cappella instructors who can care for others and open up themselves are produced and when the visually challenged can actively take part in physical and musical activities, it is my belief that our society will be more beautiful. With this A-cappella education program as a start, it is hoped that there will be various arts education programs as well as subsequent research, which can have disabled people realize that they are not lacking or incompetent, but they can explore their talent and contribute to the society.

Ⅰ.서 론

1.연구목적과 방법

2.선행연구에 대한 조사와 연구활동의 진행계획

Ⅱ.본 론

1.연수(워크숍):특수 교육 및 오르프 교육 연수

2.교육 프로그램 매뉴얼 개발 내용

Ⅲ.결 론
