In th is study, it was attem pted to reveal the characteristic effects of hyperventilation on EEG in epileptic s. Two hundred and forty-one idiopathic epileptics who had visited our neuro-psychiatric department from June 1975 to December 1979 at th e Seoul Red Cross Hospital were included in this study. The results of this study were as follows. 1. Among the 241 idiopathic epileptics, 57.3% (138) showed abnoraal EEG findings in routine EEG examination. 2. During hyperventilation and routine EEG examination in 241 cases of the idiopathic epileptics, 69. 3% (167) showed abnormal EEG findings. It was revealed that there was an increase of abnormal EEG findings during EEG with hyperventilation from 57.3% to 69.3%. 3. In age distribution, diagnostically meaningful abnormal EEG findings were ovserved in 60% of the cases in the age group of 5-19 years, 23% of the cases in the age group of 20-39 years, and none of the age group of more than 50 years old. 4. In clinical type distribution, it was revealed that 35.7% of Petitmal seizure, 18.4% of other focal sejzure, 11.1% of Jacksonian seizure, 10.1% of Grand mal seizure, 9 .7% of Psychom otor seizure, and 4.5% of A dversive seizure, showed abnormal EEG findings in EEG with hyperventilation technique. From this results, it was concluded that hyperventilation technique was most significantly useful in EEG diagnosis of Petitmal epilepsy and of less significance in other type of seizure. 5. In sex distribution, 9.5% of male Patients and 16.0% of female Patients showed abnormal EEG findings in EEG with hyperventilation technique. From this results, it was concluded that hype rventilation technique was more significantly useful for EEG diagnosis of female epileptics.
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