최근 검색어 전체 삭제
커버이미지 없음
KCI등재 학술저널

정신증환자의 입원중 증상변화에 관한 연구


  • 7

The study was carried out to investigate the respective improvements of such disorders as behavior, affect, thought, perception and insight as clinical aspects. This also studied the therapeutic effect of milieu therapy which had been used with a type of group therapy as a maintherapeutic tool. The subjects consisted of 210 psychotics who had been hospitalized in Ewhamedical, hospital, department of neuropsychiatry from Jan. 1976 to Dec. 1978. The data were collected and analyzed by inpatient medical record, group therapy record and case conference record. The results of the study were as follows; 1. Sweeks after admission,the first improvements in behavior, affect, thought and perception disorders, and insight were noted in 29〜58% of the subjects, and in 58〜88% of them 6weeks after admission. 2. 3weeks after admission, 21 〜47% of the subjects reached the improvement of satisfactory level for discharge, or became well functioning in behavior, affect, thought, perception and insight. 6weeks after admission, 39〜90% of them reached the same level. 3. Compared the symptoms of disorders respectively , these could be arranged in the order of the first improvem ent. And this order was behavior, perception, affect, thought and insight. The improvement of satisfactory level for discharge, however, was perception, behavior, thought, affect and insight in the order. 4. The improvements of behavior and perception disorders were recognized at early phase of hospitalization, on the other hand, thought disorder at middle phase, and affect disorder and insight at late phase. 5. The number of subjects shown perception disorder was the lowest in every type of disorders at the time of adm ission, on the other hand, this was cured most rapidly. 6. In the group of schizophrenics, the order of improvement in each disorder was behavior, perception, affect, thought and insight. 7. In the group of a ffective psychotics, the order of im provem ent in each disorder was perception, behavior, thought, affect and insight. 8. The improvement was recognized better in affectiv e psychotics than schizophrenics. 9. The group therapy and therapeutic, permissive, open, democratic, reality-oriented living and learning situation w ith em phasizing the close relations between the hospital and the patient’s family and community. Under thiscircumstance, the improvement of each symptom of disorders could be more hopeful and the multiple treatment could be more effective.

서 론

조사대상 및 방법


고 찰

결 론

