View ed as a whole, the epidemiologic survey of schizophrenia, manic-depressive illness, epilepsy, mental retardation and senile psychosis in Keumku, a Korean rural area, has resulted in the follownig findin gs: 1. The prevalence rates for schizophrenia,manic-depressive illness, epilepsy, mental retardation and senile psychosis were 0.02% f 0. 03%, 0.30% , 0.28% and 0.05% respectively. 2. The corrected incidences obtained fronii Weinberg’ s abridged method were 0.43% (the. range of age of Susceptibility; 16-40) for schizophrenia, 0.10% (the range of age of susceptibility;21-50) for manic-depressive illness, 0. 47 % (the range o f age o f su sceptib ility; 5-30) for epilepsy and 1.06% (the range of age of suscep tibility ; 61-1000) for senile psychosis. 3. The ratios of m ale to female were 14:10 in Schizophrenia, 0:4 in manic-depressive illness, 3:3 in senile psychosis and 22:12 in mental retardation. In epilepsy, the ratio was 24:13 and late onset of seizure in the male sex wasshown. 4. The prevalence rate of schizophrenia in blood relatives of schizophrenics was 20.8% and those in epilepsy and mental retardation were 27. Q% and 41.2% respectively. And the prevalence rates of the same diseases as the patients” in siblings of patients with schizophrenia,.epilepsy and mental retardation were 2 .2%, 2. 1% and 3 .0% respectively, which were higher than those in general population by 11, 7 and 11 times respectively. 5. In schizophrenia, more females than males: were separated, divorced or widowed. 6. The areas of farming land of patients’ families were below than average in higher proportions than those of general population. The smaller the farming land, the greater the proportion of the patients with schizophrenia mental retardation and epilepsy in the population. (P 〈0. 01) 7. Atrend towards an excess of oldest children was shown in epilepsy, mental retardation and schizophrenia. In schizophrenia, there was an excess of the oldest sons and youngest daughters. 8. In schizophrenia, though numbers are small rthere was atendency for male patients to have more brothers than sisters and for female patients to have bave more sisters than brothers. 9. In schizophrenia, the rate of father death before onset was higher than that of mother’s. 10. In general, herb medicine was the most popular treatment. About two-thirds of the mentally retarded and the patients with senile psychosis had never been treated at all.
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