This study measured serum prolactin and growth hormone concentrations before and after electric convulsive therapy by radio-immuno assay technique using kit of hPRL and hGH for the evaluation of neurophysiological effect of E .C .T . Subjects were consisted of 13 schizophrenics and one case of involutional depression, (7 male, 7 female) (meanage. 24.4, range 18-49 yrs ). Through out the course of E .C .T . th e subject were received chlorpromazine before and durin g treatment period (mean daily dosage; 450mg,. range 300-800mg) There sults were as follows 1. Compared with pre -treatment concentrations,. there was significanty in crease in serum prolactin after E .C .T . in the both male and female subjects, and more predominant in the male subjects. (p 〈0.1, P C .01) 2. The growth hormone response to E.C.T.-appeared to in crease only in the male subjects when compared with its level before E .C .T . (p< •0 1 ) 3. Throughout 4 times treatment period, the pre -treatment concentrations remained around the basal concentration of prolactin recorded in the first day treatment. Based on the above mentioned findings, it is assumed that then europhysiological response to the E .C .T . such as the in creased prolactin and growth hormone maybe due to the discharges in hypoth alamic neurons
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