최근 검색어 전체 삭제
커버이미지 없음
KCI등재 학술저널

Lithium carbonate 치료중 발생한 좌창상 발진


Except for a small number of case reports, there is almost nothing in the literature concerning. lithium induced acneiform eruption in Manic Dep -ressive Illness. The author performed a study of clinical problems involving the use of lithium in Manic Depressive Illness patients including prevalence rate, onset, symptoms and course of acneiform eruption. The author selected subjects from a total of 27 patients treated at Hanyang University Hospital, Department of Neuropsychiatry during the period from Aug. 1, 1977 to Dec. 31, 1978. Of this group, 18 were selected for study and 9 were excluded because lithium was irregularly admistered or stopped with in 3 months. The ages ranged from 20 to 54 years distributed as follows: 20 to 29 years, 10 patients, 30 to 39 years, 4 patients; 40 to 49 years, 2 patients; 50 to 54 years, 2 patients. There were 12 males and 6 female patients. Eight subjects showed acneiform eruption for a high incidence rate of 42 .2%, By sex, 50% of male subjects and 30% of female subjects showed acnei for meruption. By age distribution, there were 6 patients in their twenties (60% ), two in their thirties (50%) and no patients older than forty showed acneiform eruption. The greatest prevalence rate occurred between 8 and 12 weeks following administration but in one case, acneiform eruption appeared with in one week and im ano ther case, it did not appear until 9 months. Fifty percent of the patients with lithiumin duced acneiform eruption and thirty percentn ot: showing th is reaction had a history of acne during their middle and late teens. Daily doses of lithium ranged from 600 mg to 2,400 mg, and serums lithium levels from 0.8 m Eq/1. No direct relation ships were observed between the acneiform eruption and either doses or serum levels of lithium . Due to the short period of observation and lack: of enough cases, the author was unable to study in detail about treatment of acneiform eruption,. or the possibility of spontaneous remission or relapse, and leaves these problems as topics for further study. In this paper, the author discovered a high incidence of acneiform eruption following lithium treatment. On the other hand, no direct relation ships were observed between dosage or serum i lithim level and the incidence of acneiform erup -tion

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