In order to get the basic data on the nickname of Korean adolescent schoolers, samplings were made at random by computer, and questionnaires were given to a total of 796 persons-442 males and 354 females-from 8 middle and high schools located in Seoul and rural area (Sunsan). The results were obtained as follows ; 1. Seventy percent (70.8% ), of Korean adolescent schoolers have nicknames, which have been given by peer groups (63.6 percent), family members (22.6 percent) and teachers (6.8 percent) at about the time of puberty. 2. As many people know a person mainly by his name, his nickname serves as a symbol which they percept him. And nicknames usually given to him at the time when primary social processes shift over secondary social processes, therefore nicknames are statue symbol which may play significant roles in both personality development and behavioral pattern. Finally, nicknames are symbols of one’ s self which speak for one’s socio-psychological, mental and physical characteras well. 3. As a whole, Types of korean adolescent sch-ooler’s nicknames are, classified as follows ; (1) Saechimttegi’s type connected with human (37.8 percent) (2) Neurotic type connected with inanimate (34.0 percent) (3) Hussy type connected with animals (23.6 percent) (4) Genial-mindedness type connected with plants(4. 5 percent) 4. Motives given to nicknames originate orderly in one’s name (23.6 percent), appearance (21.7 percent), and talent (3.5 percent), thus, there are more nicknames given to him due to popular name, impolitic appearance, and active behavior. 5. The meaning of nicknames are different by sex. According to the meaning of nicknames by different sex ; males have mainly the positive nicknames which symbolize as masculine physiques and extroverted character, while females have usually the negative nicknames which symbolize as feminine physiques, appearance and introverted character. 6. Variables related to nicknames are various attitude which may play important roles in both self-concept and body image, such as attitude toward their names, mental health, physical health and physical strength.
緖 論
조사대상 및 방법
조사 결과
총괄 및 고안
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