최근 검색어 전체 삭제
커버이미지 없음
KCI등재 학술저널

小兒의 神經精神科 問題에 關한 臨床的 考察


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Today, the tretment of Neuro-Psychiatric problems of children is the field of psychiatry being a specialized and separate discipline of medicine in Europe and U.S.A. However, most of Psychiatrists, in senerat are dealing with the psychiatric problems of adults as well as children in general hospitals with a few exceptions in Korea. Needless to say it is desirable to have a specialized section of child psychiatry in Korea. As a preliminary step for this purpose, current status of child psychiatry was surveyed. Following results were obtained after study on the patients under 16 years old among the patients of psychiatric department, Busan National University Hospital for the past 5 years from the 1st January 1974 to 31st December 1978. 1) The child patient occupied 6. ?>% of all psychiatric cases. 2) Sources of referral in order or frequency, are parents (62.85% ), other department within the hospital(34. 37% ), outside the hospital (2.79% ). 3) Among the child outpatients, male and female were 57.8% and 42.11% respectively. Patients from age 13 to 16 was 44. 58% of all child patients, and they were the largest in age group distribution 4) Among the child in-patients, male and female were 50.88% and 49.12% respectively. Patients from age 13 to 16 was 64.91% of all child admitted patients and they were the largest . in age group distribution. 5) Regarding to diagnostic distribution, epilepsy and neurosis were the most frequently seen in 24.11% and 24.46% respectively of all child out patients, whereas, in cass of inpatient, neurosis and schizophrenia were the most in 40. 35% and 24. 56% respectively. 6) Among the child admitted patients, patients living with parents were 77.19% and patients with no parents or foster parents were 12.28%. 7) The chief complaints for which they sought medical help among the child outpatients were convulsion and headache, and next in order of frequency, ware alteration of consciousness, ir.ental retardaticn, speech disturbance, aidcirinal pain,phobia, bizarre behavior and sleep disturbance, etc. 8) Regarding to age distribution of the child outpatients and the in-patients, the eldest age group were 40. 35% and 34. 06% respectively. Next come the middle and the youngest in order of frequency. 9) The average duration of hospitalization was- 19 days in all child admitted patients. It was 28 days for schizophrenia, 27 days for organic brain syndrome and 22 days for epilepsy. 10) The outcome of illness among the child admitted patients results in recovery (10.53% ), improvement of symptoms (64.91% ), and no improvement (10.35% ).

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