The author has studied the hopelessness, the core of depression, about the randomly sampled 300 porsons (150 males and 150 females) so called normal, who live in Chung Nam and Chung Buk provinces. 210 patients (105 males and 105 females) were randomly selected from psychiatric out patients who were diagnosed at Chung Nam National University hospital and Jeonbug National University hospital. The results tested by hopelessness scale of Beck were as follows. 1. The score of the hopelessness-scale is higher in patient than in normal subjects, and it is higher in female than in male group. 2. In the number o f positive and negative responses for each item of the hopelessness-scale in sex group, there are no differences between male and female group except only one item for normal and five items for patient group. 3. In the score of the hopelessness-scale for each item in sex group among patient, normal and total group (patient and normal group), there are no differences between male and female group except 7 items for patient group, 2 items for normal, and 5 items for total. 4. In the score of the hopelessness-scale for each item between normal & patient group, it is significantly higher in patient than in normal group except 2 items. And in patient group, it 18 items for male and also in 17 items for female group.
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