The purpose of this study is to investigate the clinical view of cerebrovascular accident patients who were treated at Seoul National University Hospital, during the period of five years, from July 1972 to June 1977. Author reviewed 853 cases of C.V.A patients and analyzed the data of epidemiology and clinical observation. The result are as follows. 1) Cerebral thrombosis cerebral hemorrhage, and transient ischemic attack are observed mainly in the fourth, fifth, and sixth decades, and cerebral hemorrhage is found relatively in younger age group than that of cerebral thrombosis by about ten years. 2) The ratio between male and female is 1.36 : 1 in whole group, 1.53 : 1 in cerebral thrombosis, 1.39 •• 1 in cerebral hemorrhage, 1.22 : 1 in SAH, 1 : 1.37 in cerebral embolism and 1.30 : 1 in TIA. 3) Of 853 cases of cerebrovascular accidents, cerebral thrombosis was presented in 38.5%, cerebral hemorrhage in 28.9%, SAH in 21.3%, cerebral embolism in 4.5% and T IA in 6.2%. And the overall rate between ischemic type & hemorrhagic type is 50% to 50%. 4) The overall mortality rate of cerebrovascular accident was 22.0%, and respectively 14.3% in cerebral thrombosis, 39.2% in cerebral hemorrhage, 17.6% in SAH, and 28.1% in cerebral embolism. 5) As the result of cerebral angiography, the aneurysm was noted with the ratio of 48.7% at anterior cerebral artery, 28.2% at middle cerebral artery, and 10.20% at the internal carotid artery. 6) In the treatment of cerebral hemorrhage & SAH, the surgical operative method was not found to be more effective in prognosis than the general conservative one. Especially in SAH, we believe that the conservative treatment should be followed by the surgical treatment for better benefit & prognosis.
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