This study was attempted to assess the various clinical features of the adolescent patients for the past 10 years. Subjects were 1,364 adolescents who had various psychiatric problems and visited the Neuropsychiatric Department of Korea University Hospital during the period from September, 1968 to August,1978. The results were as follows: 1. One thousand three hunderd sixty four adolescent patients with psychiatric disorders (7.89% of Total patients) were visited during this period.Males were 796 (58.35% of the subjects) and females 568 (41.64%) by a ratio of 1.4 to 1. Although the adolescent patients had increased in number year by year for the past 10 years, the ratio of the adolescent patients to the total patients had not significantly changed. 2. The patients in the late adolescence were the highest in number of both sexes. 3. As to the age of onset, the 17 years old was the most frequently seen. 4. Many of the patients belong to the middle socioeconomica 1 class. 5. As to the occupation, many (75.21% of the subjects) were students and there was tendency to increase in number of females w ith vocation. 6. In the ordinal position of the siblings, the highest numbers were the middle-born. 7. Family history revealed that 43.17% of their father had psychiatric problems and among these the most frequent one was personality disoder (32.82%) and 31.38% of their mothers had psychiatric problems and the most frequent one was neurotic problem (65.53%). History of the parental loss by death, separation and divorce were seen in 19.43% of the subjects. The loss of father was more predominant than that of mother. 8. The diagnostic distributions were composed of the neuroses (33.3%), the schizophrenias (25. 1% ), the organic brain syndromes (21%), the affective psychoses (7.396), the psychophysiologic disorders (5.7%), the transient situational disturbances (2.6%), the personality disorders (2.4%), the behavior disorders (0.8%), the mental relardations (0.7%) t and the special symptoms (0.4%), in order of descending frequency of their occurrences. There was tendency to increase in frequency of the schizophrenia, neurosis, affective psychoses and transient situa- tional disturbance for the past 10 years.
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조사대상 및 방법
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