The author studied the various precipitating factors and their freqencies seen in involutional depression. Additional attempts were made to assess other clinical characteristics in this disorder. The studied subjects were 147 involutional melan-cholics who visted the Neuropsychiatric Department of Korea University Hospital during the period from January, 1972 to December, 1977. The results wereas follows: 1. One hundred forty seven patients (1.4% of the total psychiatric patients) were diagnosed as involutional depression. Among them, male patients were 35 and female 112, indicating a sex ratio of 1 to 3.2. 2. The mean age of the subjects was 60.3 years for male and 56,6 years for female. Many of the subjects belong to lower economic status and educational level as well. As to occupation, a small domestic trade was the most frequent one for male patients and the unemployed for female. 3. As to the marital status, the cases of survival of spouse were 65.1% for female, whereas death of spouse was 11.4% for male and 28.6% for female. 4. At the time of clinic visit, 84.9% of all female cases were in menopausal peiod and average age of the menopause was 49.1 years old. 5. In the premorbid personality, obsessive-compulsive personality was predominant in both sexes (71.4% for male and 40.2% for female). 6. As to the clinical symptoms, somatic manifestations were observed more frequently than psychic manifestations in all cases. The most common symptom was anxiety (46.9%〉 in the psychic manifestations and insomnia (72.1%) in the somatic manifestations. 7. As to the precipiting factors, the change in financial state was most frequently encountered in both sexes (25.2%). As the next one, illness or injury and death of spouse or close family members were 24. 2% and 19.1% respectively. For male, the change in financial state was most frequently seen,, whereas for female, the pers onal illness or injury was most frequently seen
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