One frequently meets w ith the stereotypy in drawings during art therapy; the same motif is repeated several times in drawings. The author intended to reveal the characteristics of the stereotypy in this study. The subjects of the study include 12 chronic schizophrenics who revealed the stereotypy in their drawings. Control group include 20 chronic schizophrenics and non-schizophrenics who didn’t show the stereotypy. The phenomenological characteristics of drawings of the study groups are as follows: 1. It showed more landscapes and still-lifes composed of plants and inanimate objects than the control groups, drawing. However, it revealed less human figures. 2. In terms of placement of the objects, it revealed more symmetricity than the control groups one. 3. It was composed of more cold colors than the contol groups’ one. 4. In the structure of their drawings, it showed more baselines than the control groups’ one. The characteristics of the study group compared with the control groups in views of clinical aspects are as follows: 1. Most of them were introvert in their premorbid personality. 2. Their ward activites and involvement to art therapy were passive in general.
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