The purpose of this study was to evaluate the clinical phenomena of the premorbid personality characteristics and symptoms of manic-depressive psychosis and their relationship. The subjects were 142 cases of manic-depressive psychosis treated in the Department of Neuropsychiatry, Korea University Hospital from the 1st July, 1975, to th e 30th June, 1978. The results were as follows: 1) In the clinical type of manic-depressive psychosis, bipolar type was 49.3%, unipolar depressive type, 30. Z% and manic type, 20.4%. Regarding to the relationship of the premorbid personality and the clinical type, obsessive-compulsive personality and para-schizoid personality(18.6% each) were the most common in the unipolar depressive type. Cyclothymic personality (24.3%) in the bipolar type and hypomanic personality(20.7%) in the manic type were seen most frequently. 2) Females were one and half times greater than males in the sex ratio and the patients in the twenties were the most common in the age distribution. 3) The educational level of the patients was higher comparing with that of other mental disorders. 4) In the clinical symptoms, the common depressive symptoms were depressive mood (100%), psychomotor retardation (95.6%), diminished clarity and speed of thought(83.8%) and concentration difficulty(80.9%), in its descending order. The common manic symptoms w ere unstable emotionality (97. 3% ), hyperactivity(97.3%) easy distractability (95.996) and pressure of speech (93.296). The most common somatic symptoms in depression were poor appetite and sleep disturbance (100%,each). 5) Pegarding to the relationship of the premorbid personality and the clinical symptoms, obsession was the most common in the obsessive-compulsive personality and delusion was the most common both in the depressive personality and para-schizoid personality. Idea of reference and persecutory delusion were seen in all of the patients with the para-schizoid personality. Somatic symptoms were seen most frequently in the hysterical and passive personality, whereas hypersexuality and self-accusation were the most common in the hypomanic personality.
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