Twenty-one depressive neurotics who experienced the death of one of their parents before age of ten were studied at th e Departm ent of Neuropsychiatry, Korea University Hospital from 1975 to 1978. Those patients completed MMPI during the course of their clinical assessment. Using a one-tail and a two-tail ‘t ’ test, the mean scores on the F scale, neurotic triad, and psychotic te trad of the early bereaved, early mother bereaved, early fath e r bereaved, early bereaved men, early bereaved women, early father bereaved women, early father bereaved men, and nondepressiveearly bereaved patients were compared with those of non-bereaved depressive patients matched for sex by decade of birth, who had their parents alive until at least age 25. The results of the study were as follows; 1. The F and Pa scales were statistcally significant in the early bereaved (P < 0 .01 and P <0.05). 2. The F and Pa scales were statistically significant in the early m other bereaved ( P < 0 .05 and P < 0 .0 5 ), and the F scale was also statistically significant in the early father bereaved (P < 0 .05). 3. Only the F scale was statistically significant in the early bereaved men (P < 0 .05), but the F, D, Pa, Pt, and Sc scales were statistically significant in the early bereaved women (P < 0 .05). 4. The F, D, Pa, P t, and Sc scales were statistically significant in the early father bereaved women (P < 0 .05), and there was no significant difference in the early father bereaved men. 5. There was no significant difference in the early bereaved (non-depressive).
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