For the purpose of providing helpful basis for the assesment and treatment of mental illness, the author tried to evaluate attitudes, knowledges and ideas about various psychiatric concepts in the psychiatric patients (schizophrenia) and normal persons as control group. The author adopted “semantic differential technique”, originally introducted by Osgood at al. Twelve semantic differential scales, which composed by four of evaluative, each three of potency and activity, and two of speculative, were administered to 138 schizophrenics (97 male, 41 female) and 105 normal controls (62 male, 43 female). The concepts rated on the scales were three concepts of mental illness (Psychosis, neurosis, “Hwa Byung” 一transient emotionl upset—), three concepts of psychiatric therapeutic term and mental hospital (Psychiatrist, psychiatric nurse, mental hospital), four concepts of Psychiatric treatment (psychotherapy, tranquillizer, “Goot”—shamanistic healing ritual—, oriental medicine), and two concepts of parents (father, mother). The results were as follows. 1) The meaning of “Hwa Byung” was dealing with concept of psychosis in both group. 2) Schizophrenic patient group showed much differences with the normal control group in their rating on the psychiatric nurse by negative response. 3) Patient group rated the concept of parents less positive than normal in evaluative factor among the male patients, and speculative factor among the female patients. 4) For the concept of tranquillizer, the normal control group regarded it as negative evaluative, less potency and activity, whereas the patient group was not. 5) A significant results were obtained in the rating of various psychiatric Concepts in the schizophrenic groups, and that the possibility of using semantic differential technque as effective tool for the other psychiatric group was demonstrated
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