This study was undertaken to investigate whether there are any differences in some circadian rhythms of the schizoplifeiiics, compared with those of the normals. The neutrophils, lymphocytes, eosinophils, and urinary 17-Ketosteroid, sodium and potassium excrections were measured with time intervals in the eight schizophrenics and three medical students. The resuits were as follows; 1. In the normals, it was revealed th at the cyclic pattern of neutrophils had the maximum level in the early stage of activity span, but the cyclic patterns of lymphocytes and eosinophils, showed the minimum level in this stage. 2. In the Schizophrenics, the cyclic pattern of neutrophils had the maximum level during the late stage of activity span or rest span, but the cyclic patterns of lymphocytes and eosinophils showed the minimum level during this stage. 3. In the normal subjects, the circadian rhythms; of urinary 17-Ketosteroid excretion showed! the maximum level in the midstage of activity span, followed by a downward trend during the remainder of the day and through the rest span. A marked alterations of the circadian: rhythms of 17-Ketosteroid urinary excrections were found in the majority of the schizophrenics. 4. In the normals, the cyclic rhythms of urinary sodium and potassium excretions showed theminimum level during the late stage of activity span. On the other band, in tlie schizophrenics, it tended to reach the basal level in the early stage of activity span, and the maximum, level in the late stago of activity span
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