Recent trend instudying schizophrenia tends to be heavily oriented toward biochemistry and genetics, that psychopathological studies of what schizophrenic patients experience from the viewpoint of psychology tend to be neglected, and moreover, there are only few analytic studies have been reported. The purpose of this study is to re-confirm the fact that we must not exclude the significance of psychological aspect for the understanding of the various contents of the symptoms in dividual schizophrenic patient expresses, though we admit the assumption that the ultimate etiology of schizophrenia may be proved to be organic in origin. Among the schizophrenic patients admitted to the psychiatry dept of Seoul National University Hospital from May 1977 to March 1978, the author selected two cases of schizophrenics, one 23yr old fomale and 20yr old male, whom I myself examined and treated as the main subjects of this study. In what the patients experienced, I searched for the symbols and the meaning of them which represent the deep unconscious psychic elements, using myths, legends, etc. It is not a statistical study but a author’s subjective analysis and I tried to analyze the materials main]y at the viewpoint of analytical psychology through the method of what Jung called amplification. The first case, a single female patient had a fantage of havin g married and been pregnant. I analyzed this fantage as the expression of totality symbol of the self in collective unconscious which aimed at unification. Sometimes, she felt to have been redempted and to live in the heavenly world, and another times to be dead and in the hell. Through this symptom I reaffirmed the fact the unconscious complexes including archetypes have the characteristics of having two contrasting aspects. The second case, a male patient wore a mask on face and gloves on hand, his ears being pinged with cotton balls b y himself. He hated all the people around him except doctor, nurse and his love. He drew two circles filled with the names of his and Jove. After drawing these, he felt much relieved from anxiety. These drawings are thought to be as the symbols of MandaIa’ which represents the purposeful meaning of self archetype, psychic totality. That that this patient sees people arounnd him as two distinctive group, the good and the bad, seems to mean th a t the unconscious archetypal parental image or anima has the character of being two sided. I understood his behavior of covering his face and hands as the expression of the conflict be- tween ego and unconscious
序 論
硏究對象 및 方法
症例 및 考察
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