In this psychoanalytic and cultural psychoanalytic and cultural psychiatric study of ‘hyao,, the author has tried to evaluate the possible primary conflict of the hyao behavior and to clarify the cultural mode of resolution of the primary conflict. The hyao, the oriental connotation given to a form of filial piety, has been regarded as an important Korean tradition in personality formation and social norm. By thei reason that naive motive and pattern of hyao behavior were well expressed in many Korean legends^ the author selected the legends as study material. Sixty five hyao stories from Korean legends were extracted for the study. Initially, the coni flict situation as a premise of hyao conduct, the parent-offspring relation before and during the conduct, and symbolic meaning of hyao behavior were unraveled for the evaluation of primary conflict from the view ppint of orthodox psycho analysis. Secondly, the cultural psychiatric mean- ing of hyao was discussed in terms of culturerelevant mode resolution of the .conflict. Hyao behavior was more frequent between the offspring and the parent of the opposite sex. Ib such occasions, the most parents of the same sex jvere already excluded or expired as a premise of the stories, which could be considered as an unconscious wishfullment of the offspring s hostility toward the parent of the same sex. Behavior pa-ttern of treating the parent of the opposits sex could be interpreted as a symbolic sexual activity in 89 percent of the cases, and as a castration symbol in 27 percent. In the cases of hyao behavior between the offspring and the parent of the same sex, the offspring s behavior pattern could be interpreted as a castration symbol in 77 percent of the cases, and as a symbolic sexual activity in 30 percent, which was considered to have homosexual motivation. The above findings suggested that primary motive of hyao behavior was considerably related to Oedipal conflict such as hostility toward the parent of the same sex and unusual attach- ment to the parent of the opposite sex. From the cultural psychiatric view point, however, hyao would be regarded as a cultural systenx in which a culturally approved channel of sublimation was given to the primary Oedipal conflict. The hyao can well contribute to a reducing of Gedipal tension by reaction formation, symbolization, and displacement of hostile object, insofar as the hyao is accepted as natural and normal. There have been numerous traditional devices and wisdom that contributed to reducing or diverting Oedipal conflict. Warm and authoritative figure of the father, large family system which dilute intense Oedipal tension, mother’s role as mediator in home, early assignment of sex role to the children, and interdependent and harmonious way of life can te pointed cut as traditional devices to* sublimate the Cedipal conflict to culturally desirable state of mine1. Although psychoanalytic meaning of the hyao was proved to be Oedipal im primary conflict, it s psychological function seemed to sublimate the eedipa! conflict to a cultural approved way of living
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