All the psychiatrists who are interested in psyc hotherapy and/or psychoanalysis, probably know the importance of the transference phonomenon at all phases of thsrapsutic doctor-patient relatIo nships. Thsrs ars many theories and opinions a bout the transference phenomenon in psychotherap eueutic process, and various kinds of technique can bs applied to handle it effectively. In this paper, the author (as a psychiatric resident) presented a brief case of his own experience, and attempted a careful observation and explanation about vicissitude of transference. The case was thirty-three year old housewife who was admitted three times and was on followup psychotherapy sessions four times. Total session ran approximately 60. At the beginning of therapy when the patient was admitted for the first time,therapist (author) was first year resident. She received regular psychotherapy under the impression of Hysteria, and symptoms were very dramatic and changeable reflecting upon the therapist attitude. The author have had very hard time with her because of his shortening of experience. But by the end of the psychotherapy, she and author found themselves improved much through the enduring stressful sessions. The author tried all the possible measures for an effective use of transference pheno men on in treatment process, and also received a close supervision by the professor. The author began to witness the improvement the patient making, though in slow process, and also found himself maturing psychologically through the whirls of experiencing various therapeutic relationships. Finally, it is author’s vital experience that theories are not so helpful in practical handling of the transference phenomenon, as direct individual supervision on the case are more helpful to a novice.
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症例소개 및 치료진행과정에 대한 樹要
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