최근 검색어 전체 삭제
커버이미지 없음
KCI등재 학술저널

內臟幻覺에 對한 臨床的 考察


In this clinical study, it was intended to reveal the characteristics of the patients with cenesthetic liallucination The subjects of the study were 30 cases who had cenesthetic hallucination and visited the Department of Neuro-psychiatry, Korea Univeristy Hospital during the period from Jan. 1973 to Dec. 1976. The Kind of cenesthetic hallucination, age and sex distribution, diagnostic background, educational level, religion, occupation, precipitating factor, involved internal organ, other mental symptoms and complaining attitude of the patients were analyzed. The results were as follows: 1. The mean age of the patients was 31.7 years and there was no sex difference. 2. As to the diagnostic background, sohizophrenia was predominant comprising 73.3% of the total. Among the subtypes of schizophrenia, the pseudoneurotic type was most common, occupying 68.1% (50.0% of the total). From this points of view, it was suggested that cenesthetic hallucination was the the symptom experienced primarily by the schizophrenics. 3. Many of the patients tended to belong to relatively higher educational level. 4. 73. 3 % of the patients were with no religion. 5. While 90.0% of them reported as having some kind of occupation, it was revealed by careful observation that role performance of most of them was poor or suspended. 6. Clear precipitating factors were identified in 60.0% of them; psychological factors were founded in 36.7% and somatic factors were seen in 23.3%. 7. A majority of the cenesthetic hallucination in 73.3% involved only a single internal organ, suggesting that cenesthetic hallucination usually involved a single .internal organ rather than multiple organs. Among the internal organs, the most common was the brain, occupying 50.0% of all. 8. Among / the emotional disturbances of the patients, depression was seen in 26.7% and anxiety in 23.3% of the patients. Concomitant delusional thinking was revealed only in 20.0% of the patients which was a lower rate compared to the patients with other kinds of hallucination. 9. Patients’ attitude of complaing was outwardly that of striving to describe their symptoms exactly, but there was lack of seriousness and appropriate anxiousness and their complaints were bizarre in the contents and manner of presentation. This attitude was similar in many ways to those of the schizophrenics.

緒 論

調査對象 및 方法

調 査 結 果

考 案

結 論

