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KCI등재 학술저널

簡易精神診斷檢查 (SCLᅳ90) 의 韓國版 標準化 硏究 I 一正常人의 反應特性一


  • 251

In recent years community mental health and medical welfare programs have been gradually emphasized. Accordingly shortage of man power in psychiatric profession becomes an important issue. As an effort for resolution of it, psychiatric rating scales have been developed to provide the time saving device for psychiatric practice. Symptom Checklist-90, a self- report psychiatric rating scale, has been proved to be not only an efficient but also reliable and valid diagnostic tool in psychiatric practice. This scale, developed by Derogatis and his colleagues, consists of 90 symptomatic items which reflect 9 symptom dimensions: somatization,obsessive-compulsive, interpersonal sensitivity, depression, anxiety, hostility, phobic anxiety, paranoid ideation, and psychoticism dimension. The purposes of this study are to provide Korean-version of the SCL-90 and to investigate normal response characteristics for it,s standardization in Korea. Tie scales were adminiisteied to 199 uban subject frcm Seoul and 221 anual subject from 2 villages of Kyung -Euk and Chun -Euk piovinces. Eala of 420 subjects were divided into dichotomous subgroups in respect to sex, age (30 year and over, and under 30 years), education (6th grade and under, 12th grade and upper), and residency(Seoul and rural) respectively. Each pair of dichotorr.ous subgroups was compared for scale scores by analysis of variance. The results were as follows: 1. Considering sex difference, female subjects revealed significantly higher scores on all scales except hostility scale. 2. In subgroup, dichotomized by education, significant differences are seen 6 scales as somatization, obsessive compulsive, interpersonal sensitivity, depression, hostility and paranoid ideation. Somatization score is higher in lower educated group, whereas 5 other scales scores are higher in high educated group. 3. There were no significant difference between age subgroups except somatization scale, in that older group obtained higher scores than the younger, 4. In regional comparison, Seoul subjects obtained significantly higher scores on 7 scales except anxiety phobia and psychoticism scales. The results have been discussed and the authors suggest to separate sex norms for standardization of SCL-90. Further detailed research for preparation of several norms differred by educational and regional backgrounds is recommended.

緖 論

檢査의 記述

正常人의 反應特性

結 果

論 議

要約 및 結語

