최근 검색어 전체 삭제
커버이미지 없음
KCI등재 학술저널

Psychological Distress (DI) 尺度와 Critical Items (Cl) 尺度의 修正에 關한 硏究


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The purpose of this study was to evaluate the validity of the psychological distress and the critical items scales of the MMPI and to develop modified items scales. The subjects of this study comprised from 182 of normal control group, 179 of anxietjr neurosis, 97 of pseudoneurotie schizophrenia andl 71 of paranoid schizophrenia. The psychological distress (DI) and the critical! items(CI) scales were found generally to be valid. And the cutting score for separating normal from, psychiatric patients were determined to be 11 of D I(< H = normal; >12=psychiatric) and 7 of C I(< 7=normal; >8=serious pathology). However, according to this cutting score, 22.5% of anxiety neurosis was classified into normal (D I<11, C I< 7) and 41.2% of this group into psychortic (C I> 8 ). These results suggested that some items of DI and. CI were not to be valid ones as psychological distress and critical items. Item analysis of 67 items of DI and CI for normal, anxiety neurosis, pseudoneurotic schizophrenia and paranoid schizophrenia groups revealed that some items were not. vaild and some items should be converted into DI and CI. Discarding and converting several items of the original critical and distress items the author developed modified scales which including 30 distressitems and 26 critical items. In this modified item scales 4 items from two scales were converted. according to sex. This modified scales were found, to be more valid than original DI and CI scales. In this modified scales the most efficient cutting, score for separating normal from psychiatricpatients were determined to be 8 of DI (< 8 = normal, >9=psychiatric) and 4 of CI (< 4= normal>5=psychotic serious pathology).

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