This study was done on 94 patients of depresive equivalents who visited the neuropsychiatric department of Korea university modical college hospital during the period from January, 1974 to December 1976. The results were as follows: 1. As to age and sex distribution, the highest frequency was observed in the fifth decade in males and fourth and fifth decades in females. Females were 1.1 times higher than males in the hospital incidence of depressive equivalents. 2. Male patients were of higher educational level than female patients. 3. Among the male patients, obsessive compulsive personality was the most frequent premorbid personality (25%), and among the female patients, normal personality was the highest(32%). 4. Headache was the most frequent symptom in males (43.2%) and cardiorespiratory symptom was the most frequent in females (54.0%).. Somatic complaints predominated mental complaints. 5. Thirty-four point one percent of the males, and 32.0% o f the females showed difficulty in falling asleep. 6. Fifty patients (53.2%) had used self prescribed drugs. There was little difference among different age brackets. 7. Twenty-one patients (22.3%) were alcohol users. Of these alcohol users 45.5% of the male patients and 25.0% of the female patients fall into the group of 50-59 years of age. 8. Fifty percent of the males and 53.2% of the females showed good response to the therapy Better effect of treatment was observed in. cases with shorter duration of illness.
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