Anxiety fluences intellectual performance. In the initial stage of anxiety, anxiety stimulates a drive state which allows heightened intellectual performance, but if this state persisted chronically, the intellectual performance is expected to be lowered. So the author can postulate that anxiety may influence the intellectual performance of students in studying. Looking for such posibility, the author investigated correlation between anxiety and academic achievement of adolescent students. As a method for evalution of anxiety, Taylor’s manifest anxiety scale was used. Samples selected for this study was 475 male students (203 Junior high schoo 1 students, 168 senior high school students and 104 college students) and 445 female students (197 Junior high school students, 154 senior high school students and 95 college students) The schools of students selected located in Seoul. The results obtained in this study were .as followers. 1) Mean anxiety score of total samples were 16. 21 (M :13.79, F: 17.25). The score in junior high school students was 16.43 (M:16.32, F: 16. 54), in senior high school students 16.41 (M :15.59, F: 17.20) and in college students 15.41 (M: 13.79, F: 17.25) The results showed that more aging, the less the anxiety levels in mind degrees. But the result was not statistically significant. 2) The correlation between anxiety and school achievement was not uniform. In junior high school and college students there was highly positive correlation between anxiety and school achievement (P<0.05). But there was no such consistency in senior high school students. 3) The students were divided into high, middle and lower groups in accordance with academic performances to compare the anxiety scores. There was no statistically significant difference among these groups. 4) Anxiety scale was scored by O Conner s 5 factor scales. Factor A (chronic anxiaty sssociated with self-consciousness) and D (personal inadequacy) decreased gradually by aging in male students and increased gradually by aging in females. 5) The .scores of Factor B (physiological reaction to emotional stimuli) was the highest and that of Factor A (chronic anxiety and personalin adequacy) was the lowest
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