A doubls blind study of Medazepam and placebo was performed on 35 patients with anxiety neurosis, hysterical neurosis, obsessive-compulsive neurosis or psycho-physiological disorder. Global symptom chescklist and an objective rating by a psychiatrist were used to measure the response to treatment. The results were as follows. 1) It was found that Medazepam was far more effective than placebo in alleviating the patients, emotional distress. 2) Medazepam was most effectivs to the patients with anxiety, inner tension, sleep disturbance and gastro-intestinal symptoms. 3) Side effects were easy fatigability, ataxia, impotence of mild degree and dry mouth. They were relatively rare, no drug dependence was noted during six weeks’ follow up. These results suggest that Medazepam is a potent anxiolytic drug effective to the psychic and somatic manisfestations of anxiety, and some kinds of psychophysiologic disturbances
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