The number of adolescent runaways is gradually increasing and their behavior manifestations become more complex in modern society. It is generally accepted that runaway depends mainly upon family interactional modes. This study was desinged to evaluate the degrees of adolescent runaway’s expectation about parental roles and its actual gratification. Subjects were 100 runaways compared to 100 non-runaways. MacDonald’s revised Perceived Parental Questionaire were administered and analysis of variance and t-test between expectation and perceived parental roles were results were as follows. 1. Statistically significant differences were obtained between normal and runaway, groups, and between expectation and psrception, expectation being always higher than perception. 2. In normal group, expectation was significantly higher than perception about maternal role in items of instrumental companionship, principal discipline, predictalility of standards and affective punishment. As for paternal role, expecation was signifificantly higher than perception only in item of affective punishment. 3. In runaway group, expectation was significantly higher than perception about paternal role in items of instrumental companionship, protectiveness physical punishment and affective punishment. For maternal role, the difference was significant in items of principal discipline, predictability of standards and affective panishment. 4. The difference between expectation and perception, expectation being higher, about both paternal and maternal role as for affective punishment was significantly greater in runaway group. According to these results, hypothetical familial sources of runaway adolescence is proposed as follows. 1. Great ungratified expections of both father’s and mother’s roles, 2. Heavy influences of same sexed parent, and the unconscrous modeling function of same sexed parent’s roles, 3. More physical and affective punishment, lack of principal discipline, and inconsistant parental roles.
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