최근 검색어 전체 삭제
커버이미지 없음
KCI등재 학술저널

兒童의 神經精神科 問題에 관한 考察


  • 5

Child psychiatry has brief history both in its systemic study and also in its clinical practice. During past several years, it was impressed that there were increasing number and growing con- cerns in the field of child psychiatry in Korea. In this paper, the authors attempted to draw out the current state of child neuropsychiatric practice in the National Cental. The reviewed main items were the ways of referred, the number of child patients visiting to neuropsychiatric department, the various complaints, and .the illnesses, and so on. The results are as follows. 1. One hundred and sixty eight new child patients visited to neuropsychiatric department among the total 1,234 new patients between April, 1976 and March, 1977. 2. Most patients (82.7%) were referred directly by their parents. We found no referred patient from schools or kindergartens. 3- Pediatric department asked consultation of 12 children and these were diagnosed as transient situational disturtance, mental illness or no psychiatric illness. 4. Nine of 168 were admission patients. Their ages were above 6 years old. Average admission period was 10. 5 days. They are 3 neurotics, 2 schizophrenics and the remains of transient situational disurbance, organic brain syndrome, T. L. E ., etc. 5. The children complained 260 kinds of distresses. Many complaints were belonged to the somatic nature (37.4%). Headache was the most common complaint and convulsive body movement in the next frequency. 6. Many of them (32.2%) were diagnosed as convlsive disorders, 14.6% as neuroses, 6.4% as special symptoms and 6.4% as other neurological disorders. 7. If we took only account of functional disorders, the majority (23. S%) were neurotics and special symptoms (10.5% ), headache (9.5%), T.S. D. (8. 6%) were followed in successive order. This result showed much similar record to that of Kim’s report. A. A. P. C. C. reported previously that 26% were transient situational disturbance, 27% personality disorder and 21% neuroses. There are significant differences between the result of A. A. P. C. C. and ours. 8. Twenty five neurotic patients were analysed into subgroups: there were 56% of hysterics and 36% of mixed types. 9. The number of convulsive disorder was the highest among boys, while neurosis was the highest among girls.

緖 論

調査對象 및 方法

結 果

考 察

結 論

