Sixty-nine obsessional neurotics in Korea were studied from a phenomenological point of view in order to delineate the various forms and the relative frequency of obsessions and compulsions. An additional attempt was made to ascertain other clinical characteristics presented in these patients. The mean age of the sample at the in itial visit to the hospital was 24.9 years (SD 7.5) for men and 28. 0 years (SD 10.9) for women, and 66.7 per cent of the sample were men. The highest frequency of the age of onset was seen in adolescence. Many of the patients tended to belong to higher educational and economical status, and a preponderance of obsessive character traits was identified both in the patients and their parents. The obsessive-compulsive symptoms frequently encountered were urges which were acted upon, thoughts of destruction, violence, death or injury, doubts concerning past events, checking thoughts and fears involving contamination, cleaaning oneself and avoidance behaviour, in order of frequency of their occurrence. One-fourth of the patients displayed no compulsions and the women showed significantly higher incidence of obsessive thoughts of indirectly causing physical harm to self or others than did the men.
서 론
조사대상 및 방법
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