The purpose of this experimental study was to estimate the effect of large amount of NaCl and chlorpromazine on the level of lithium, Na, and Kin the blood of rabbits. These experimental animals were divided into 4 groups of 8 rabbits, control group of receiving lithium only, and experimental groups of receiving large amount of NaCl and lithium, of receiving chlorpromazine and lithium, and of receiving both of large amount of NaCl and chlorpromazine and lithium. The blood was withdrawn at 3 hours period after receiving lithium. The results obstained were as follows: 1. The 3 hours lithium level in serum of the group receiving large amount of NaCl and lithium was similar with that of control group but 6 hours level was lower than the one of control group. But the lithium level in RBC were generally lower, more the 6 hours level than those of control group. 2. The lithium level in serum and RBC of the gronp of receiving chlorpromazine and lithium were generally lower than those of control group and the 3 hours serum lithium level was a little more lower than the 6 hours one. The 3 hours RBC lithium level was also a little more lower than the 6 hours one. 3. In the group receiving large amount of NaCl and lithium, the level of Na in serum was sim- ilar with the one of control group, but the level of RBC was lower. 4. In the group receiving chlorpromazine and lit hium the level of Na in serum and RBC were similar with those of control group. 5. In the group receiving large amount of NaCl and lithium, the level of K in serum was similar with that of control group, but the K level in RBC was higher than the control group especially the 6 hours level of K. 6. In the group receiving chlorpromazine and lithium, the level of K in serum and RBC were lower than those of control group especially the 3 hours level.
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