The authors studied 117 cases out of 822 inpatients who had been treated at the department of psychiatry, Seoul National University Hospital, from 1973 to 1976, on their persecutory delusions. 117 cases with had persecutory delusions were consisted of 105 schizophrenia, 3 acute paranoid reactions, 3 MDI, 2 alcoholic psychosis and 4 others. The results were as follows. 1. Persecutory delsions were observed in 38% of schizophrenics and 5% of MDI patients. 2. In regard to difference, there were more male than female (64.1% • 35.9%) In age distribution, 3rd decade is predominant (37.7%). 3. Sample patients had relatively high educational level : more than 80 percent of them had already obtained above high school education. 4. 45. 3 percent of the patients were unemployed, and 27.4 percent were students. 5. As a persecutor, political agent stood first with 24.8% and the next is the unknown person with 21.4%. 6. Ovious precipitating factors causing those delusions were found only in 18 percent of the cases.
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