The author made a study of 77 out-patients and in-patients who were 60 years old and over at the psychiatric department of Busan National University Hospital during the past 5 years from 1971 to 1975. The author performed this clinical study in order to get a preliminary data for further intensive study for psychiatric problems to old age psychiatric patients. These cases were analyzed in terms of annual distribution, years and age, age and sex, annual diagnostic distribution, diagnosis and sex, diagnosis and age, education, occupation, age and occupation, spouse, religion and living place etc. The results of this clinical study were as follows. 1. Old age patient rate was 0 .6% of total psychiatric patients during past 5 years. 2. As to the age range, the most stood between 60 and 70 years (87.1%). 3. Male patients were more in number than female patients. 4. In contents of diagnosis the most were involutional melancholia and neurosis was next. 5. It revealed that 24 cases (31.1%)f old age patients were educated. 6. 22 cases (28.6%) had occupation and almost all of them were merchant or farmer. 17 cases (22.1%) were between 60 and 65 years old and 5 cases (6. 5%) were between 60 and 70 years old. 7. Almost half of the patients had their spouse. 8. Nearly half of all cases had religion and almost all of them were Buddhist. 9. Urban area were threetimes more than rural area.
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총괄 및 고안
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