최근 검색어 전체 삭제
커버이미지 없음
KCI등재 학술저널

지역 사회의 치매 유병율 조사에서 선별 검사(Screening Test) 의 의의

Meaning of a Screening Test in a Community Survey for Dementia Prevalence

  • 18

The Korean version of the mini-mental state exam ination (MMSEK ) was given to 702 elderly people aged 65 years or more in a rural com m unity of Yungil County, Kyungpook Province. Mean(士 S D ) of the corrected score(25.60± 3.90) was significantly higher than m ean(土 SD ) o f the raw score(23 .12 ± 4.97). T he elderly with less than 21 ( ‘definite im pairm ent’ ) and 21- 24(‘ questionable impairment,) by the corrected socre were significantly fewer than the elderly with the same scores by the raw one, respectively. A bout 20% o f the elderly with ‘questionable im pairm ent, and about 70% o f the elderly with ‘definite im pairm ent, were diagnosed as having dementia by DSM -III-R .

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