최근 검색어 전체 삭제
커버이미지 없음
KCI등재 학술저널

양성 및 음성 정신분열병 환자의 손잡이에 관한 연구

A Study of Handedness in Positive and Negative Schizophrenics

The authors intended to establish correlationship between negative schizophrenia and cere bral laterality. By using positive and negative syndrome sca le(P A N S S ), 119 schizophrenics were classified into 2 groups (positive 63, negative 56). T hen we com pared sociodemographic characteristics, psychiatric history, family history o f schizophrenia as well as characteristics o f handedness between positive and negative group. There were significant differences in occupation and marital status. Joblessness and unmarried or unstable marital status is higher in negative group than in positive group. W hile there were no significant differences in sex, educational level and socioeconom ic status between two groups. A lso there were no significant differences in age o f o n set duration o f illness, frequency o f hospitalization and current dose o f antipsychotics. There were no significant differences in family history o f schizophrenia. Right handed patients were 86.6% , mixed handed patients were 10.1 left handed patients were 3.4% o f total subjects. Left-handed or mixed-handed patients seemed overrepresented in the negative schizophrenic group as 7.9% o f positive group and 19.6% o f negative group were either left-handed or mixed-handed. T he difference is statistically significant

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