최근 검색어 전체 삭제
커버이미지 없음
KCI등재 학술저널

범법 정신장애자의 현황 및 범죄율 분석

A Study on the Criminal Psychotics — Crime Rates and C rime Motives —

  • 68

There was no evidence that psychotics were more dangerous than general populations. But the hom icides by the psychotics, especially schizophrenics, were more than the general populations. The criminal psychotics had less recurrence rate of the offence than the general populations. So it was found out that the crimes by the psychotics would be prevented throught the appropriate treatment. The motives of the crimes by the psychotics were attributed not only by their psychotic symptoms but also by the inappropriate rejecting attitude of their famility members and the common peoples toward the psychotics. So it should be recognized that the psychotics would accommodate to their life through the warm and polite care by the comm on people, especially family members

서 론

정신장애자의 범죄율

범법정신장애자의 현황

정신장애자의 범행동기

결 론

