최근 검색어 전체 삭제
커버이미지 없음
KCI등재 학술저널

범법 정신장애자에 대한 예방과 대책

Prevention and Plan for Criminal Psychotics

  • 31

The author reached following conclusions to be implemented as preventive plans for criminal psychotis in Korea. These conclusions are made based upon the authors experience of treatment of criminal psychotics for last four years at Korean Institution of Forensic Psychiatry, as well as theory of comm unity psychiatry, preventive psychiatry and crime prevention. 1) It is strongly suggested that Korean government should provide a positive support for a mental health policy and the government should enact a mental health policy suitable for the current situation of the country, provide it with proper budget and set up a mental health department under the Ministry of Health and Social Affairs. Government should also establish a National Institute of Mental Health to function as connecting with other related insitutions. 2) It is suggested that currently existing asylum for psychotics should be managed as a better facility equipped with improved environment and treatment team. It is also suggested that 12 of more National Mental Hospitals be established and equipped as facilitie with a systematic and efficient treatment team for deinstitutionalization of psychotics. 3) It is suggested that all the public, including those involved in prevention and treatment of criminal psychotics, be educated and illuminated in regard to mental disorder, criminality and violence of psychotics, coping with relapse of psychotics, and helping for adjustment of psychotics in community. These educational plans should be implemented as a public m ovement. It is also suggested that an efficient educational program on community psychiatry be provided for psychiatric residents and that more courses on psychiatry be set up in colleges of medicine, as well as continuing education for those involved in treatment of patients. 4) A community mental health policy be implemented in the near future, personnels employed at mental health centers should be able to facilitate prevention of criminal psychotics to full range. Since it is not realistic to expect prevention from psychiatrists’ effort alone. Team approach should be considered including nurses, psychologists, social workers, and rehabilitation workers, and an active participation and/or a close network should be made among legal, educational, and social welfare facilities, and their personnels. Theory of preventive psychiatry and crime prevention should be applied in order to prevent relapses of criminal psychotics.

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