We experienced a case of woman who developed organic hallucinosis following abuse of phendimetrazine for about a year. She showed psychotic symptoms of vivid auditory hallucinations, idea of reference, thought leakage and aggressive behaviors. Past history revealed no previous major psychiatric disorders and no family history of mental disorders, especially schizophrenia, and there were no evidences of significant cerebral dysfunction. During the hospitalization, she was treated with benzodiazepines without other specific treatment. She improved and was discharged with clear sensorium without any psychotic symptoms. Phendimetrazine is one of anorectics which is used for weight control. It is also known as sympathominetics which has a potential for abuse and dependence due to its psychedelic effects. Although lacking in the comprehensive study explaining the patterns of abuse, pharmacological effects and incidence of psychotic symptoms, this case suggests the need for alertness for the potentially dangerous psychotic symptoms am ong the population who are exposed to abuse, especially those who are obese and poorly com pliant patients.
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